In the Plots view, you can specify the default plot settings used to produce plots from simulation results.
The “Chart type” popup menu is used to select the default chart type used in line charts, bar charts and column charts. Available options are:
• Single plot
• Double plot
• Mean ±
• Fractiles
• Contingency
The “Single plot” option is used when only one statistic, e.g., the mean value, is plotted for each selected data node. The default statistic to plot is controlled by the “First plot” popup menu.
The “Double plot” option is used when two statistics, e.g., the mean value and base value, are plotted together for each selected data node. The default two statistics to plot are controlled by the “First plot” and the “Second plot” popup menus.
The “Mean ±” option is used to make diagrams where the mean value, the mean value minus the standard deviation and the mean value plus the standard deviation are all plotted together.
The “Fractiles” option is used to make diagrams where the three fractiles in the currently selected fractile set are all plotted together.
Finally the “Contingency” option is used to make diagrams where the three contingency levels, calculated according to the currently selected contingency settings, are all plotted together.
The “First plot” popup menu is used to select the default statistics plotted in single plots. This menu is also used to select the default first of the two statistics plotted in double plots. Available statistics are:
• Base
• Mean
• Min
• Max
• Inp.mean
• Loc.mean
• Inp.base
• Loc.base
• Slope
• Interc.
• Covar.
• Correl.
• Cr.mean
• Cr.var.
• Sn.mean
• Sn.var.
• Lo.fract.
• Md.fract.
• Hi.fract.
• Lo.cont.
• Md.cont.
• Hi.cont.
The “Second plot” popup menu is used to select the second of the two statistics plotted in double plots. If the chart type is not “Double plot”, then this menu is neglected when the plot is made. Available statistics are the same as for the “First plot” popup menu.
The “Zero oriented” checkbox is used to control the default procedure used to construct “line charts”, “bar charts” and “column charts”.
A zero oriented line chart is one where the scale on the value axis is chosen such that zero is always included. Otherwise the value axis may or may not include zero depending on the plotted data.
In a zero oriented bar or column chart all bars or columns start at zero. If a bar or column chart is not zero oriented, the way it is constructed depends on the chart type. In a single plot the bars or columns start at a suitable location depending on the plotted data. In a double plot there is one bar or column for each selected data node describing the range between the values of the two chosen statistics. In the remaining chart types there is one split bar or columns for each selected data node describing the ranges between the three statistics.
The “Parameter” popup menu is used to select the default statistic plotted in pie charts. Available statistics are the same as for the “First plot” popup menu.
The “Values used” popup menu is used control the default way of handling negative values in pie charts. Since negative values cannot be represented in a sensible way in a pie chart, DynRisk needs to apply some sort of rule to deal with such values. There are two possible options you could choose between:
• Abs. values
• Pos. values
If the “Abs. values” option is selected, DynRisk will replace all negative values by their absolute values. Thus, if e.g., a data node has mean equal to -10.7, then in a pie chart of means this data node will get a piece of the pie corresponding to the value 10.7.
If the “Pos. values” option is selected, DynRisk will replace all negative values by zero. Thus, if e.g., a data node has mean equal to -10.7, then in a pie chart of means this data node will not appear in the pie at all.
Note that in cases where all the statistics either are zeros or converted to zeros (using the “Pos. values” method), it is impossible to construct a pie chart. In such situations you will get an error message.
Based on the set of result values for a “data node”, DynRisk assesses a default “scale” for this object. This scale is used to determine the axis in “S-curves”, “histograms” etc. To change the scale of a “data node”, select it by clicking its icon, and choose the “Scale…” command in the “Set” submenu of the “Gallery” menu.
The way DynRisk handles scales is affected by the “Autoscale plots” option. If you leave “Autoscale plots” checked, DynRisk will use the current scale settings (i.e., either the default scale or the scale you specified using the “Scale…” command) each time you produce a plot. If, on the other hand, “Autoscale plots” is unchecked, DynRisk will ask you to choose a scale before drawing the plot.
The “Autoscale plots” option is temporarily reversed if you press the “Shift key” on the keyboard while choosing the plot command from the menu or toolbar.